We’re Here to Help

Sometimes reaching out can be the biggest hurdle. Our first step at New Roots is to build a supportive relationship with you that’s based on trust. Then, we’ll focus together on adopting and integrating healthful habits to help you live in a way that is true to the unique person you are.

Interested in taking that first leap to good health?  The best way to connect with us is to via the secure inquiry form below.  We will get back to you just as soon as possible.

Contact Us

Please indicate your availability for appointments:

Is your preference to meet in person or virtually?

Will you be paying via insurance or self-pay?

How did you hear about New Roots?

Please contact New Roots directly via phone (207) 977-4700 if you have trouble filling out the form.  Thank you!

Practice Number:  207-977-4700
Fax Number:  207-977-4900

Practice Address:
174 South Freeport Road, Suite 2A
Freeport, Maine  04032

Welcome to the New Roots Healing Center in Freeport.
Our practice offers space for in person appointments
with our clinicians.  We will also be holding group
sessions and yoga classes in our Healing Room ~
stay tuned for updates!

Seagrass Room

Fern Room

Lupine Room

Lauren believed in me when I stopped believing in myself and instilled in me the strength that I have today.


Contact Us

Please indicate your availability for appointments:

Is your preference to meet in person or virtually?

Will you be paying via insurance or self-pay?

How did you hear about New Roots?

Please contact New Roots directly via phone (207) 977-4700 if you have trouble filling out the form.  Thank you!

Practice Number:  207-977-4700
Fax Number:  207-977-4900

Practice Address:
174 South Freeport Road, Suite 2A
Freeport, Maine  04032 

 Welcome to the New Roots Healing Center in Freeport. Our practice
offers space for in person appointments with our clinicians. We will also be holding group sessions and yoga classes in our Healing Room ~ stay tuned for updates!


Fern Room

Lupine Room

Seagrass Room

Lauren believed in me when I stopped believing in myself and instilled in me the strength that I have today.
